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WTO | World Trade Organization: WTO / GATTWTO | World Trade Organization: WTO / GATT  
The WTO is the only international body dealing with the rules of trade between nations. ... A-Z list Site map IN THE WTO What is the WTO?Vacancies IN TRADE TOPICS Disputes IN COMMUNITY/FORUMS Interact ...
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... Trade The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was first signed in 1947. The agreement ... a common mechanism for resolving trade disputes. GATT membership now includes more than 110 countries. ...
www.ciesin.org/TG/PI/TRADE/gatt.html • Related pages  • Translate
More pages from www.ciesin.org 

GATT FRENDO TUFIGNO Advocates - Welcome page  
www.gftlex.com/ • Related pages  • Translate

LLRX.com - Update to WTO/GATT Research  
... Management - Federal State Legislation - Marketing - Presentations Training Search Engines Compared WTO/GATT Research By Jeanne Rehberg Jeanne Rehberg is Reference Librarian for International ...
www.llrx.com/features/wto2.htm • Related pages  • Translate
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RTMark: Gatt.org | Past projects  
The WTO is utterly outraged by RTMark. RTMark (pronounced 'R-T-Mark' or 'artmark') is ... days before the WTO's Seattle Ministerial, ®TMark published Gatt.org, a website questioning the value of ...
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WTO | Agriculture - gateway  
This TRADE TOPICS page will take you to information available on the WTO website, on issues handled by the WTO.s councils and committees, and its trade agreements
www.wto.org/wto/english/tratop_e/agric_e/agric_e.htm • Translate
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WTO | GATT and the Goods Council - gateway  
This TRADE TOPICS page will take you to information available on the WTO website, on ... the Goods Council Documents home > trade topics > gatt & goods council GATT and the Goods Council The General ...
www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/gatt_e/gatt_e.htm • Related pages  • Translate
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Intellectual Property Provisions of GATT  
GATT, and now WTO member states must not discriminate in favor of their own citizens ... of GATT GATT - Overview Intellectual Property Provisions of GATT Effects of GATT on Patent Laws Effects of GATT ...
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GATT, NAFTA, and the subversion of the democratic process written by ... The World Trade Organization (WTO), the new governing structure [of GATT], was crafted at the end of the Uruguay Round ...
www.thirdworldtraveler.com/WTO_MAI/WTO_CAGE.html • Related pages  • Translate

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